Saturday, November 25, 2017

Chapter 18 - Just Sticks and Bricks

Jon, removing his earphones and resting them on the stool exits the booth when he sees Beth with Tony.  

She can see him talking as he walks through the control room, not only is his mouth moving but he's quite animated.  She smiles as he pushes open the door, "Hey babe."  He kisses her, sliding his hands around her waist, pulling her closer.  "Sorry about this."

Beth smiles, "It's no big deal.  The boys and I can go shopping."  She can see Jacob isn't all too happy about that.  "Apparently, I have to shop for an anniversary party that I totally spaced out."  She gives Jon a look like, thanks for reminding me.

"We can have it catered."

"Not a chance in hell."  she banters with her husband, "This is a milestone anniversary, it's NOT being catered."

Tony jumps in, not wanting to talk about party planning, "Hey, tell me about this vineyard.  It's in Italy?"

Beth diverts her attention to Tony, feeling all sorts of love about their newest acquisition, "Yeah, you should see it.  It's the most perfect place on earth.  It's the reason I totally forgot about your parents party."  She back hands Jon's arm, "Thanks for reminding me about it, your brother failed to."

"Babe, it's no big deal."  Jon states, "Just call a company, they'll take care of everything."

Beth shakes her head no.

Romeo comes to the forefront, "Beth can we leave, I'm hungry."

She messes up his hair with a smile, "Yeah buddy, let's go.  We have a lot to do."  She leans in, kisses Jon goodbye, gives Tony a hug and says to him, "Our house for dinner?"

Tony replies, "No place I'd rather eat." and gives her a wink.

They all say their goodbyes and Beth leaves with the boys.  As they were walking to the car, Jacob asks Beth, "Can we go to Times Square for lunch?"

"Sure, where?"

"Burger King?  Mc Donalds?" he gives her options.

Romeo hears Mc Donalds and he's sold on that idea.  "Yeah, can we go to Mc Donalds?"

Beth takes the boys to get them their gross food and then they head out of the city.  Kids in the back seat of her BMW, eating their greasy nuggets and fries and all she can think about is the party that she totally dropped the ball on.

They make it back to Jersey in no time, stopping at Shop Rite in Middletown for groceries, for dinner.  They are recognized, Beth can see some grown women snapping their pictures with cell phones, giggling.  She can hear them ask one another where Jon could be.  That makes her giggle.  She thinks to herself, why do they think he's so amazing?  Beth knows that Tony is a huge steak lover, so she decides on steak for dinner.


Jon and Tony walk in together, laughing and joking with one another.  Beth can hear them way back in the kitchen.  She dries her hand and heads in the direction of the voices.  "Hi." she says to them.  "Jon babe, can you fire up the grill, the steaks are ready to fire as soon as you are."

"Steak?"  Jon jokes, "Who eats red meat anymore?"  Beth doesn't see his humor.  She's tried several times to cut red meat out of their diet, but Jon gives her too much resistance - so she just monitors what the kids eat.  

"Take Tony inside, and then light the grill please."  Beth smacks him on his ass as he walks passed her.  "And tell those boys to get their rooms clean, please."

"You got it."  He replies, handing his brother a beer.  "Come on, let's go say hi to the kids."

"Steph and Jess here?"  Tony inquires, "I haven't seen them in ages."

"No, they're back at school.  Home for thanksgiving though." Jon tells him, leading the way through the house to the back patio.  

As they pass Jacob, Romeo and the twins, Tony stops to say hi to the little people and to hug Pete.  She's been good to the Bongiovi family as a whole, helping out Tony when he's on the east coast and has nanny needs.  "Hi Pete!"  he smiles at her, hugging her tight, "how are you?"

"I'm good, Tony."  Pete hugs him back, thrilled to see him, "how are you?  Is the family with you?" 

"No.  They're coming out next week.  What have you been up to?"  he sits next to her on the living room sofa, paying no attention to his older brother, whom decides to light the grill without him.  "You look good."

"Thanks.  I've been working and trying to decide what school I want to attend.  What have you been up to?"

"Just working."  he replies, "When are you going to come out to California and work for me?"

Pete laughs at that.  Tony has been trying to steal her for years, but her loyalty lies with Beth and Jon.  "Um, when the twins graduate?"  she jokes.

"I won't need you then."  he jests, "We need you now."

They are interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat.  Startled, they look over and see Beth standing there, drying her hands with a towel.  "Tony knock it off.  Pete doesn't want to move to Cali with you."

Tony stands, a little embarrassed that he was caught trying to steal the nanny, "I'll get her, Beth."  She knows he's just playing.

"Over my dead body."  Beth smiles.  

"I can make that happen."  Tony starts to say, but he's quickly reminded by all that Beth has been through.  He corrects himself and adds, "I'll wait for the twins to graduate."

The patio door swings open and Beth can see that Jon is on his cell phone, his expression tells her that it's not a good conversation.  As he passes her, he says into his phone, "Hang on a minute.  Let me get somewhere private."

Beth follows him, pivoting on her heel, having no idea who he's talking to.  Tony says, "That can't be good."  Beth looks at him, gives him a scowl and heads off to follow her husband.  

Beth finds Jon in his office, sitting at his computer, aggressively clicking the track pad on his Mac.  "It's not opening, what the hell is it?"  He loudly ask the person on the other end of the phone.  When he sees Beth, he points toward the door.  His way of telling her to leave him alone.  Beth walks closer to get a glimpse of what he's trying to do.  

She can see at the top of his browser that he's in his email.  She whispers, "Let me help you."  She gets the most serious case of the stink eye that she has ever seen.  "What the hell is going on?"  She asks without a filter, the volume of her voice is of no concern now.

"Beth, please?  Go check the grill." he says to her, without opening his mouth.  When he talks between his teeth, she knows that he's very pissed and this is quite serious.


  1. On no! I want them to be happy 😃

  2. Curious as to what's going on. Come back soon!

  3. I can't wait until we find out what Jon is so upset about. You definitely don't want his stink eye!! Jon always wants everything perfect for his mother, so I would expect he would want the party catered!! Good job!!
