Sunday, November 12, 2017

Chapter 17 - Words Can't Say

Beth is in her home office, doing profit and loss reports for the vineyard they just bought, with little information that the Vincenne's were able to provide her. 
Pencil clenched between her teeth, she's startled by the chirp of her cell phone.  She snags it up and looks at the screen, 'Mr. Wonderful' appears to her.  She laughs, as that's what Jon stored himself as in her phone.  She swipes right, tucking an earbud in her ear, "Hi honey."  

"Are you busy?" he barks into the phone.  Beth can hear loud noises in the background and people talking.

"Just working.  Where are you?"  she asks, "Jesus Jon, that's loud."  Beth pulls the bud from her ear, "What's going on?"

"I'm meeting Dot, as planned and now she's telling me that she doesn't want to take the kids with her."  Jon is at the heliport, meeting Dorothea for a scheduled visitation.  She had planned on taking the kids out to the Hampton's with her for a long weekend, but she has since changed her mind.  

"Okkkkkay"  Beth replies, not sure what he wants her to do.  "Bring them home."

"I have to be at the label in 20 minutes, babe."  she can hear the stress in his voice, or more less, the irritation in his voice.  This is a standard Dot strategy and Jon has grown tired of it.  

"Go to the label, I'll meet you there and get the kids." she slides her glasses off her nose, sets them on the table and looks at her watch.  "Can you grab them a bite?  I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Babe, are you sure?" her heart melts a little.  She knows that he feels bad, but business comes first - for both of them.  And it will always take precedent over Dorothea and her madness.  "I don't want to put you out."

Beth laughs, thinking back to the night before when she was more than happy to put out, be put out.  "Seriously, I'll be there as soon as I can, but you better not let Chris fly her out there.  You were only doing that because of the kids.  She can drive her wicked ass out there!" 

"DEAL!"  he got excited.  Beth surprised him by that bitch move, but he loved it.  "I'll see you soon."

Beth starts to gather her things for an unexpected drive into the city.  Her bag, she looks for her keys, her driving glasses, her phones and then she remembers.....the twins.  "PETE!"  she yells from her office, "Lupetta, I need you!"  she yells again, walking toward the formal part of the house. 

In route she grabs a sweater and eventually finds her godsend, Lupetta.  Pete is in the living room watching Bubble Guppies with the twins.  Well, Pete is scanning her Facebook wall, while the twins watch the Guppies.  "Hey, I gotta run into the city.  Are they cool with you or do you want me to take them with me?  I can and I will."  Beth gives her her sincerest smile, "I just have to pick up Jake and Romeo from Jon."

"I thought Jon was at the studio?"  Pete questions.

"He was, but he met Dorothea at the helipad so they could fly to the Hampton's, she doesn't want to take the kids now so I'm meeting Jon at Island and getting the boys so he can work."

"Want me to go get them?"  Pete leans forward, showing Beth that she's flexible and she'll do whatever they need her to do.

"No no."  Beth shakes her head, "I'll buzz in and get them, can they hang with you?"

"Of course they can.  Want me to feed them lunch?" the trusted friend asks her employer, her friend.

"That would be great.  Jon is feeding the boys, so maybe we can have a normal dinner time."  she laughs, slides on her shades and kisses the little ones goodbye.  "Thanks Pete, you are by far the best!"

"Just remember me at Christmas time."  the nanny jokes.

"I'll never forget you, Pete.  Never.  Back as soon as I can."

Beth is stuck in traffic going into the tunnel, so she shoots Jon a text.  Stuck in traffic at the tunnel, be there as soon as I can.  

Jon responds with a simple BE CAREFUL!

Her phone alerts her that she has another text.  She looks at it and sees that it's from Dorothea.  She swipes to read it.  You're a real bitch you know.  I'm going to be late for my date in the Hampton's.

Beth laughs loud.  She composes a text reply  Maybe you should buy your own helicopter?

That was my helicopter!  Dot replies and that infuriates Beth.

Beth responds with, LOL Bitch, I bought that chopper for Jon for his last birthday.  We sold your chopper to some man that said it was only good for scrap.  Kinda like you.

That's my pilot! Dot tries to get to Beth, but Beth has risen above Dorothea and will no longer let her get to her.

Funny you say that Dorothea, cause he's under contract with me and I sign his paycheck - making him MY PILOT.  Enjoy the long ride out to the Hampton's.  Long weekend, everyone is going out there!

You're such a bitch!  Dot still tries.

Highway 27 is going to be a bigger bitch than me.  Enjoy that 3 hour drive, if not more.  If you hear helicopters over head, know that could have been YOU.  But nope, you're a bitch!  Beth has said all that she was going to say to Dot about that or anything else.


The doorman let her into the record label.  "Where are you headed, ma'am?"

"My husband is here, with my children.  I'm here to rescue them from him."  she politely smiles and shows him her ID.

He sees her name and gets a little nervous, "Mrs Bongiovi,  he's in studio F, down that hall, 5th door on the left.  Is there anything that I can get for you or your family?"

Beth reads his name tag as she takes back her ID, "No Christof, we'll be fine.  Thank you though."  She politely nods and heads to studio F.  When she gets to the door, she peaks through the small window.  She can see Jon and Richie in the booth, and what catches her eye in the corner is Jacob and Romeo playing with Uncle Tony.  She's geeked by that.  

She pulls open the door and goes straight to Tony, hugs him tight, kisses each cheek and says, "When did you get into town?"

"A couple of days ago." he smiles at her, hiding his innocent crush.

"Why didn't you call?"

"I did.  I talked to Jon."  he admits, "He didn't know I was coming here though."

"How long are you in town?" she starts her quiz.  "What are you going to do while here?  You'll spend some time with us, right?"

He nods, "I need to see those twins."

"Did Jon tell you we now own an authentic Italian vineyard?"

"Yep.  I'm in town for mom and dad's anniversary party."

Beth had a heart attack.  She has totally forgotten that she was supposed to pull this one off.  This a big one.  Two hundred family and friends, top of the line food and services and Beth spaced it out.  Quickly she runs days through her head.  It's supposed to be the last weekend in September.  Oh shit, she has 7 days to make this happen.  She is now in full on panic mode.


  1. My favorite story. Keep it coming. They still have a lot to say.

    1. They are my favorites because they are so real, just like your writing is my fav.
      You can carry this story a long way. Please do.

  2. Just wondering how Richie is in the booth with Jon, when he is gone from the band?
