Thursday, December 21, 2017

Chapter 19 - That Fateful Night

Beth and Tony start to prepare dinner.  Tony mans the grill, while Beth throws together a salad.  

She slices some peppers, along with pineapple to throw on the grill.  The menu tonight is Kobe beef steak, and cage free chicken breasts.  "Hey, Jon is in his office talking to someone that sent him an email that he can't seem to open, do you have any idea what it's about?"  Beth elbows Tony, talking under her breath so the kids can't hear her.  "He's quite pissed off."

Beth and Tony are very close.  Have been from almost the beginning, but as the vineyard business grew, so did their relationship.  Tony is her go to guy and she trusts him with everything.  Her business, the family business, the family name and her family.  Tony is her right hand confidant and she knows she would die if she were to ever lose him and his friendship.  He knows he can tell Beth anything, in confidence and without confidence, he's family.  "Well earlier, he got a call at the studio.  At first I thought it was Dorothea, but as the call went on, his anger grew and I could tell it wasn't her.  After a few more minutes, I could just determine that it was a video of something that someone is threatening to release, I have no idea under what conditions."

Beth dries her hands and leans on the counter.  Stumped.  "A video?  Of what kind?"  

"One that he wants no one to see.  When that call ended, he called Peter."

"Oh, that's not good if he's getting Peter involved."

"That's what I thought."  Tony tells her, shaking spices over the beef and the chicken.  "To get Peter involved, heads may roll."

"But who's?  Will you go in there and see how he's doing?  He stink eyed me right out of the room."

Tony takes the platter of selected meats and shakes his head no.  "I will not step anywhere near his office if he stink eyed you out."

Beth totally understands, she's married to the man and she won't even walk down the hallway near his office.  So she jokes, "Matt would do it."

"Matt's an idiot."  Tony tosses his head back, "Ha ha."  and he walks away.

Beth stands in the kitchen for a few minutes and ponders what she should do.  And then she remembers something, she has an anniversary party to plan.  That thought right there wipes the Jon issue from her mind.  She trots of to catch Tony.

Sneaking up behind him, she asks, "What should I do the mom and pop?  A big elaborate party with hundreds of guests, or something small, informal with close family and friends?"

"Small and informal.  They have been so busy with the sauce and she's quite active in many charities.  I'm sure they would love something small with all that they love there."

Beth smiles, loving the words that Tony is saying.  "That helps alot.  I didn't really want to plan a glamorous party anyway."

"Then don't."

They are startled by 3 loud beeps, warning them that something is coming.  A voice comes through the intercom.  "Beth, can you come to my office please?"

With big eyes she looks at Tony.  With big eyes Tony looks at Beth.  "Can you keep an eye on this?  Kids are inside playing video games."

He laughs, "You better go."

"I don't eat red meat often, please don't burn my steak."  she winks at him and heads to where her husband has beckoned her to go.