Monday, April 2, 2018

Chapter 29 - Once In A While, When I Crack A Smile

The beach with her husband was just what she needed to put everything into perspective and her thoughts in order before they meet with Savannah.  

They swam and played just like they were kids given a day pass from summer camp.  They ran the shore, sat and talked, making their way to an abandoned bon fire just a few feet from the waves.  Snuggled next to one another,  Beth asks him, "We are doing the right thing, right?"

He pulls her close, kisses the top of her head and assures her, "We are.  We're ending this nightmare on our terms and that's that."

"Are you worried about what this may do to your career?  Everyone hearing about my assaults, the death of our children and all of the other sadistic things he did to us, they did to us."

"Not at all.  My fans know a majority of what's been in the papers and whether they like you or not, they will have empathy for you.  I fear nothing from the fans.  They'll be by our side, in spirit."

"The guys won't mind having this rising from the dead?" she asks, wincing a little, never really given thought to what this could do to the band members, personally.

"Hell no.  They want to kill the guy."

"I love all of you so much!" she leans into him, "you all are the family that I never had and I was lucky enough to choose you assholes."  She laughs and that makes him laugh.

"We love you just as much and those guys will be behind you, behind us, 100%"

Together they sat there and soaked up the sounds and the scents that they love so much.

"We should go."  Beth says as she stands, brushing sand off of her butt and thighs.

"Have you had enough?  Did you get what you came here for?"

She beams a smile in his direction and states, "Yes.  I got exactly what I needed and it wouldn't have been the same had it not been with you."  She extends her hand and helps him stand, "Did it help you at all?"

He grabs her in his arms, plants an intense kiss on her lips and mumbles, "Seeing you in your bathing suit, dripping wet was exactly what I needed."

Hand in hand they walk back to her car, once inside they turn the radio on and get lost in the music.  When they are just about back to the Rumson house, the news comes on with an ad for the Beth Bongiovi interview on the Today show, the next day.  Beth squeezes Jon's hand, "This is going to be wild."  She laughs.

"What are you going to wear?  A pant suit?"

"I was thinking a Versace skirt suit, that highlights my fair skin and blue eyes."

"Nice!"  he winks at her.  "What shall I wear?"

"I'd like you to wear your usual.  Tshirt, jeans and you Nason's."

"I can do that.  I had a crew go out today and clean up the grave site and add flowers."

That hits Beth in the dead center of her heart, "Babe, that's beautiful.  Thank you!"

"They're my babies too and there is a huge part of my heart buried there.  Even in death, they will get the best and the world is about to see that."

She squeezes his hand even tighter, looking over at him, she inquires, "Do you think there will be fans there?"

"I'd be suprised if there weren't, but Savannah said she'd have NBC take care of security."

"Cool."  Beth reaches over and caresses his cheek with the back  of her hand, "We're going to be okay, aren't we?"

He smiles and winks, "We are going to be better than okay."


  1. Hmm time will tell. Can't wait for the interview.

    1. that's not going as easy as I had hoped it would. LOL

  2. Please tell me there is more....I literally just finished this less than a minute ago and I'm having withdrawals already. Plus, sounds like not quite an ending yet....:)
