Monday, March 19, 2018

Chapter 28 - They Don't Wash Away

The pictures of Beth and Brianna falling off of the yacht made their way to New Jersey long before Jon and the family got there. 

 As they walked through Teterboro, they could see the headlines on the late edition new papers.  Jon rolls his eyes and keeps going.  The kids are in front of them as they walk, dragging their own suitcases, slowly not wanting to go home.  "Come on kids, pick up the pace."  Jon tells his slow pokey  children, "We need to hurry and get home."

"Why are we in such a hurry?"  Jake asks, slowing down his pace.  "Do we have to go to mom's?"  His words are long and they carry no excitement.  

Jon reaches up and messes up his carefully styled hair, "Do you wanna go to your moms?"  He laughs with the boys.

Jake shakes his head no, "I don't wanna go to mom's.  I don't like her new boyfriend."

Romeo pipes up and adds his two cents, "I don't either, he gives me a bad vibe."

Jon's pace slows as he looks to Beth.  "What do you mean he gives you a bad vibe?"  Jon doesn't wait for Romeo to answer, he looks to Jake, "Who is this guy?"  The New Jersey accent prevalent and the arm animation strong.

Jake shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know much about him dad.  He's just odd."

"Odd in what way?"  Beth jumps in, shifting Jon Spencer to her left hip. "We didn't know she had a boyfriend."  Beth looks at Jon, both are shocked by what they're learning.

"He was there last time we were there and when I called the other day, he answered the phone."

"Your mothers cell phone?"  Jon questions, getting a little irritated that he knew nothing about Dorothea's new thing.  

Beth elbows him just before they get to the car.  Jon looks at her and he can see what the elbow means.  "We don't need to talk about this now.  We can talk about it later, Jakey."   Beth tells the young man as they all climb into the waiting car.  "Is that okay?"

"I don't care." the young man replies to her, "He's just a tool and none of us like him."  He tells them, climbing into the third row of the Escalade.  Once they are all safely in the car, the driver takes them to where they need to be.  

Jon and Beth look to one another as if they were saying, "We'll take care of this later."


Beth is in the kitchen feeding the twins a late dinner.  She never liked them to eat on the plane, if it could be avoided.  She's sitting at the table with the kids, Romeo in on the huddle when Jon comes in, clapping his hands loudly.  "It's all set."  He walks passed the little ones, kissing them on the head, one by one.  "Savannah will meet us Wednesday afternoon.  She said she'll call and work it out with the cemetery."

"Very good."  Beth mumbles, feeling a little anxious about it.  "Thanks for taking care of that."

"We're going to get this done and put it all to rest, once and for all."  He leans over and kisses her.  She reaches up and takes his face in her hands and kisses him hard.  

When she stops, she pulls back and smiles at him, "You are my rock star."

He laughs, "Well, it's what I'm good at."  

He helps her finish up the feeding of the kids and helps her get them to bed.  Pete is home, but she's off duty; as she usually is when they both are home and not working.  Once they are finally able to relax, Beth pour them both a glass of wine and they plop down on the couch in the family room.  He sits down and she lies back, resting her feet across his legs.  "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

He peels off her socks and starts to rub her feet, "I am and I only think I am because I can see that you are."

"Hell yes I am." she states.  "I want him to be just a bad memory along with everything that he's done to us.  Honestly, I want the asshole dead, but God will deal with him."

"That's what Ma always says."

"She's right.  I have faith that God will get him in his own way."

Jon downs the glass of Pinot that he had in his hand, "Are you ready for bed?"

Beth smiles and shakes her head no.  "Can you go see if Pete will keep an eye on the kids for a bit? There is something that I'd like to go do."  her grins gets bigger by the second. 

"I'm here, babe.  Go do whatever it is that you want to do."  he pats her foot, "Go do you, I'll be right here."

"I want you to go." her smile still in place.

"Where?" her smile is infecting him and he can't help but smile.

"Let's go for a nice cleansing swim."

He didn't see that coming, "There's a swimming pool in the backyard."

She shakes her head no, "Let's go to the beach."

"THE BEACH?" he exclaims, "why on earth do you want to go to the beach?"

Beth sits up on her knees, she's face to face with him, "You know I always think that the ocean washes away my woes."

He looks at her for a few minutes and can see the woman that he fell in love with all those years ago in the desert.  "Ok, I'll go see what Pete's up to.  Pack a basket."  

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