Saturday, July 22, 2017

Chapter 12 - Naked In Her Garden

Jon and Beth decided that a week, or two in Italy would be far enough away for it to be one on one and close enough to get on the jet and fly home at a moment's notice, if need be.

They made the necessary arrangements with the kids, to include Dot on a case by case basis.
Bags were packed, waiting in the foyer.  Stephanie Rose begged and pleaded to take them to the airport, and with reluctance they agreed.  

She's a daddy's girl and quite close with Beth, so she was more than happy to be the one to drive them onto the tarmac and wish them well on the first day of the rest of their lives.   No one wanted them to get back to good more than she did.   "Dad, Beth are you guys ready?"  She asks, reaching for a bag to help load the car.  "Plane leaves in an hour,  Teterboro is 45 minutes with good traffic."

"Yep, Steph,  we're ready."  Beth smiles in her direction.  "Are you keeping my car while we're gone?"  Beth knows how she feels about Beth's Bentley. 

"Can I?"  The young woman exclaims, excited beyond belief.

Jon pipes up,  "That's a $250,000.00 car Rose."

"Dad, it's Beth's car."

Beth laughs, "Babe, it's okay.  She'll be fine."

"You better, Steph.  That was a present."

Stephanie rolls her eyes at her misner of a father, "Are you ready?"

Jon and Beth kiss and hug the kids, thank mom and dad and Beth has to go over instructions one more time.  She looks at the little faces she's leaving behind and can't help the feeling of love that is rushing over her.  Mrs. B scoots them along and assures them that they'll be fine.


When they enter the private jet, they are greeted by Vicky, the worst airline attendant in the history of flight attendants,  Beth's least favorite person; aside from Dorothea and the monsters that they have in their life.  Beth's distaste is from years of being treated like she was the other woman when in fact, she was the only woman.  Beth snaps, "Vicky, can you get me a bottle of Perrier please, with a slice of lime and lemon.

Vicky rolls her eyes and responds, "Yes, Mrs. Bongiovi."   She looks at Jon, as he sets up his laptop and makes sure that his phones are charged.  "Jon, can I get you anything?"

Jon makes brief eye contact with her and tells her, "A glass of water would be great, Vick - thank you!"  Vicky disappears into the galley and does what she's paid to do.  When she returns, she asks the couple, "where are we going?"

Beth fluffs her feathers and tells the hired help, "We're going to Italy.  Once we land, you'll be brought back here to get ready for the next set of shows.  You have supplies to get, food to prepare and quite honestly, we don't want or need to pay for your vacation."

"Where is this coming from Beth?" she asks, hand on her hip.  "What have I done to piss you off so much?"

"You're you Vicky and if it were up to me, you'd be done working for Bon Jovi.  I know,"  Beth looks to Jon, 'We know what you have done and we can't have you in the business, in our business any longer!"

"You're firing me?" she barks at Beth, looking to Jon to see if it's true.  The look on his face tells her that what Beth stated is true.

"When you return to the states, you are no longer employed by me." Jon states, with no hesitation.

Vicky scoffs off to the galley to get what her current employers desire, and she does it with attitude.  She tries to remain professional, but it was tough.  She's been with the band for over 20 years and when they learned of her betrayal and her breech of confidentiality - that was it.  They were done with her.

They arrived in Italy and as soon as their feet hit the tarmac, Beth grabbed Jon's hand and kisses it.  "This is our new beginning, this is it babe.  We need to find each other and rekindle the love that we have for one another."

He kisses the top of her head as he pulls her close.  "When we leave here, we will feel like we did in that desert all those years ago.  You will never doubt my love for you again, you will never have to guess where I am, and from this point forward babe - you will be my side for every decision that gets made about our life, our kids, our careers and hell, we'll even have a meeting about what flavor oatmeal we will buy for the kids.  From here on out, we will be an amazing, undivided team.  And one to be reckoned with."

"I am going to give it 200% Jon.  You complete me, you compliment me and for that I will always always always love you."

The cab ride to the hotel was quick, but not really.  They enjoyed the first 15 minutes of it, lip to lip, hands on breasts, hand down pants - the beginning of the reconnecting that they needed.  They needed to be one.  

Their room was divine, they desire was strong and the passion even stronger.  Jon can see that Beth is doting and acting a bit nervous, "Are you okay honey?  You seem a little distracted."

"I'm good.  Just ready to get to the business that we need to attend to.  Come here."  she demands with a wink and a smile.  He does as he was told.  He walks up to her, his hands slides around her hip, resting on the small of her back.  His lips gently land on hers and he says, lip to lip, "I'm here for you.  Whatever you want."

"I know!"  she kisses him back.  "Let's get unpacked and just lay down and talk. Will that be okay?"

Jon looks around the room and he can see candles.  "Why don't I start you a bath, you relax and I'll unpack."


  1. Welcome back I'm glad to see a new chapter.
    I don't recall anything from the past about Vick betraying them so that was a little surprising.
    I get the feeling that the problem between them isn't resolved even though they seem to be adamant about a new start.
