Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Chapter 3 - We'll Make It, I Swear

The Bongiovi family has a wonderful time in Seaside Heights, reconnecting as a family and for Jon and Beth, reconnecting as husband and wife.

They were able to be a normal family and just let go, just be normal people living their lives.  They weren't overly concerned about being spotted, being chased down the boardwalk.  They were a family out for the day, enjoying each other and the weather.  

Beth ended up holding all of the stuffed animals that they all won at the boradwalk games, along with thier cotton candy, their drinks and whatever else was given to her, "Beth, hold this." They stopped and had lunch at Beachcombers, talked and laughed and watched the people as they passed below on the boardwalk.  Later as they were leaving the boardwalk, exhausted and spent, they all grabbed an Italian ice as they were leaving.  Italian Ice is a favorite of Jon's and now a favorite of his children.  Beth doesn't like having to pay what they pay for flavored ice shavings.

In the car on the way back home, Jon Spencer and Brianna nod off and take a little nap.  Romeo and Jacob are play on their phones, after Jesse decided he wanted to drive.  With Jesse at the wheel, making great progress toward home, Jon and Beth were able to relax, melting into one another in the far back seat of the Escalade.  She lays her head on his shoulder and he takes her hand.  Holding it tight, with no intention of letting it go.

Not wanting to break the silence or ruin the mood, Jon couldn't help himself.  He needed to tell her something and there hasn't been a time in the last few weeks that allowed him to do it.  He watches the scenery pass by as he gathers the strength to tell her, "I need to hit the road."

"You what?" she lifts her head to look him in his eyes, "What road?"

Jon leans over and kisses the tip of her nose, "I need to fufill my contract, we need to do those dates that we cancelled so you and I could put our lives back together."

"How many and where?" she can not hide the fact that that angered her.  "How long will you be gone?"

"It's the midwest dates, including Arizona and Las Vegas."

"Jon!" she exclaims.  "Now, really?  The tour has ended."

"These are dates that we had to rework, you knew they were coming."

"But now?" she asks.  "We are finally in a great place, do you really have to leave?" she exhales hard, stopping half way.  "Wait, wait - I'm sorry."

"Shhhhh." he tells her, not wanting to raise concern with the kids or get her upset.  He reaches up, caressing his face, "Shhh."

Beth looks over at him and she knows that he has to go, but she also knows that her heart doesn't want him to go, "I'm sorry, babe.  I'm sorry.  I guess I just didn't see it coming."

"I don't mean to throw it on you like this, but the day is near and I wanted to try to get you guys to me while I'm gone."

"Where?" she questions, leaning in on him, with her head on his chest.

"Wherever.  Anywhere.  I don't care."

"How long will you be gone?"

He takes a long cleansing breath, "It's scheduled over 5 weeks."

"FIVE WEEKS?  I thought it was just some dates.  Jesus Jon, that's a mini tour."  She bolts up in the car seat and spins on her ass to face him, "Five weeks is a long time.  Do you think we can handle that?  Do yo think we can make it through five weeks?" she's starting to have a little panic attack.

"Babe, I think we are stronger now than we have ever been, don't you think?"

"But will it weaken with you gone?" she questions, feeling her hand get sweaty in his.  "Will all of this be for nothing if you go?"

He leans over and kisses her again, "What will happen will only happen if we let it."

Beth leans her head back and starts to process what she's just been told.  Long cleansing breaths, in and out.  She had no idea that this was coming, but in the back of her mind, she knew it would, one day.  "Tell me more about that dream.  Was my funeral as beautiful as I think you would have made it?"

He rolls his head and smiles at her.  "It was standing room only.  Stephanie gave a nice rememberence speech and so did Richie.  There wasn't a dry eye in the place."

"And the twins?" she asks, with her heart in her throat.  "How were they?"

"They wanted their mommy."  he leans over and kisses her again, "Brianna wanted you to wake up."

"That hurts my heart." Beth winks at him.  "I can't imagine leaving any of you behind."

Jon leans up in the seat, "Hey, Jesse take this exit.  It's quicker."  Jon instructs his son, giving him directions to the house that were much quicker than going in through Red Bank.  "Take this to 35 and then go north."

"North?"  Jesse asks, looking back at his dad in the rear view mirror, not sure what way was north."

Jon laughs, "At 35 go left."


With the kids tucked away in their beds and in the older ones in their rooms, Jon finds Beth out on the balcony off the master suite.  She's out there with a glass of wine in her hand, looking out over the inlet.  "Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you weren't a rock star?  If you weren't desired by so many woman, if you didn't make so many men jealous?"

He walks up behind her and hugs her close to him, "I have.  I have pictured my life a million other ways and none were as rewarding as this life."

"Seriously?"  she's surprised by that response.

"Seriously.  I have, we have an amazing life and it wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for what I did, what I do."

"I'm not questioning our life and how we got here, I just wondered if you could see yourself pumping gas at WaWa or making a sub at Subway."  She starts to giggle, "Or being the manager of a shoe store."

"Like Al Bundy?" he laughs back, squeezing her just a little tighter.

"I was thinking earlier as we walked the boardwalk what it would be like to be a normal family with a normal life.  You know, no paparrazzi at your every move."

"That would be great, but it's part of the price that we pay for this life style."  drawing her attention to the way the moon is reflecting off the water.  They can hear nothing but the still night air and the occasional cricket.  The tide is low, leaving the ocean sound something to be desired.  "If I worked at a shoe store, I never would have met you. "

Beth laughs, "That is so true."

"We wouldn't have this amazing house with this breathtaking view."


  1. I'm so happy and excited to have them back. I couldn't believe Beth took her own life after everything they had been through to get to where they are.
    Have to admit I hated her for 'doing' that. Thought it was selfish of her.
    Can understand why she is worried about Jon leaving to go on tour. You won't know what is going to happen if you don't need to go on, can't keep leaving in their own bubble.

  2. Jon going back out on the road will be a true test on how far they have come as a couple.
