Friday, May 22, 2020

Chapter 39

"Why wouldn't you let them in?"  Beth HAD to know.  "surely they were here to see Dorothea and not you."

"Doesn't matter.  They can see her when she's not here.  That's bullshit.  Stay in my guest house and then have guests over.  Nope."  he rattles his head like he's a crazy person.  "They can see her off my property."

"Are they really that bad?" Beth can only claim to know Dot, the others are strangers to her.

Jon shoots her an are you kidding me look.  "When you get the 3 of them together, it's like toxins ooze from their pores.  All are independently evil, but you get them together and it's madness."

"What do they do?"

"I remember a long time ago, when Romeo was a baby, Dot and I were having problems.  She cheated and they kept her secret, even lied for her.  When I finally discovered her affair, not her only one, mind you - but when I discovered it, I learned that Claire and Cindy helped her with cover stories.  They all supposedly went to Vegas and L.A. for a girls trip and in all reality, it was Dot and her trainer."

"No shit."

"Oh yeah, they lie just as much as Dot ever did.  But what was funny about it is, both ladies tried to sleep with me on many occasions and Dorothea never believed me when I would tell her about it."

"Seriously?  You never told me about that."  Beth is starting to feel a little giddy, finally a distraction from the shit storm they were just handed.  "Tell me."  She smiles her crooked smile, in anticipation.

Jon thinks for a minute and tries to figure out why he's never told her about Claire and Cindy.  "There were a few times, but the one that comes through the most is one Christmas in St. Bart's.  We all were shit faced drunk, Don and Claire had the bungalow next to Dot and me.  I knew I had had enough, so I excused myself and went to bed."  He's now starting to feel uneasy about the story, realizing why he never mentioned this to Beth.  "I woke to someone going down on me."  He ended it right there.  He didn't need to say anymore, Beth's jaw drop was all he needed to see.

"You have got to be kidding me!"  She exclaims.  "For real?"

He shakes his head yes.

"Do I know Claire?"  Beth isn't sure who Claire is, she needs a little clarification.  

"She's on the Polyprep Parents Committee with you."  he can't look at her now.  He knows she's going to figure out who she is.

Beth is silent for a moment.  Her eyes squinting with her thoughts.  "Claire Carpenter?"  She's blown away, "Miss everything has to go my way, Claire?"  Jon can see that the thoughts are making sense to her.  "Oh my God, what did you do?"

"I punched her in the head." he says as a matter of fact.  "And that was just reflex."

"You hit her?" Beth is amazed.  

Jon gives a playful laugh, "it was on accident.  I didn't even know what was going on.  I woke up drunk with someone's mouth on me.  Reflex."  

Beth ponders that for a moment, knowing how he is when he's drunk and sleeping and even when he's sober sleeping.  She can't help but laugh.  "What did Claire do?"  Beth now has to know the entire story.  

"She gathered her things and went to where she belonged, I assume.  It wasn't too long after that and Dot came to bed."

"Did you tell Dot?" Beth loves a story that could possibly hurt or embarrass Dorothea, loves it.  "Did you tell her husband?"

Jon smiles, as her smile was what he needs in his life, "I did tell Dot.  She called me a liar."

"She did not!"  Beth is in disbelief.  "Did she really?"

Jon nods his head yes.

"Did you tell her husband?"

"No.  I figured my rejection would serve as a bad enough punishment"

"Did Dot ever come to believe you?"

Again, he shakes his head no.

Beth absorbs the conversation that she's participating in, wondering what she would have done.  "You told her about it, she didn't believe you and she remained friends with her?"  She asks, rather confused.  "That is pretty messed up."

"That was my life with Dorothea." he gives her a quick wink, "that's mild compared to what Cindy did."

Beth was ready for more trash talk, especially if it was about Dot.  "What did she do?  Don't tell me she took advantage of you too?"

"Oh no, wasn't me."

Beth is engaged and leaning on his every word, "I've met Cindy a few times.  She never acted like she cared much for me, but I never let it bother me.  What did she do and to who?"

She sees a look come over Jon's face that is rare to her.  She thinks it's almost a look of fun sarcasm, something that she doesn't get to see often.  He shifts in his seat a bit, "It was right after I met you.  She was at a show and came backstage with Dot."  He clears his throat and pretends to have issues remembering the details.  "I don't even remember why Dorothea was even there, but they were backstage and Cindy managed to get Richie's attention."

"And."  Beth is on the edge of her proverbial seat, "What did she do to Richie?"  Beth can hear herself sounding a little protective.  "What happened?"

He pauses before he confesses a little unknown secret that the band had, "She claimed to have gotten pregnant."  He zips his lips and waits for the reaction that he knows is coming.

Beth sits silently for a moment.  Jon looks at her from the corner of his eye.  She quints, thinking.  He can see that she's bouncing around the timeline in her head and there it was, "Why have you never told me about this?"  He's sensing a bit of anger.

"It really wasn't talked about."

"But you're not saying that Richie didn't sleep with her.  Richie slept with Cindy?"  The amount of disgust that she felt couldn't be expressed adequately  with sound, she had to animate what she was saying.  "Richie slept with Cindy?"  She shakes her hands in disgust.

"He did."  Jon turns on the turn signal to exit the highway.  As he looks over his right shoulder he can see that Beth is still processing what she's just heard.  "They had quite the affair.  It was hot and heavy for a while."

"You guys never told me about her."  Beth is in disbelief. 

Jon drops his hand on her leg, "There really wasn't anything to talk about."

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