Saturday, October 14, 2017

Chapter 15 - We Gotta Hold On

Jon and Beth made the best of the little time away that they were afforded, inseparable with a love rekindled.  

Italy was just what anyone would have ordered for them and it was exactly what they needed.  They needed the time to just be man and wife, friend and friend - a feeling that they lost for one another, long ago when life got in the way.  

The day after returning from their 2nd honeymoon, life had to get back to normal.  They had to step back into the roles that they left behind just a few weeks ago.  They get up together and rustle the kids from their slumber, Jake and Romeo have to be taken to school and Pete has a play date set for the twins, leaving Jon and Beth with nothing to do.   "Let's take the kids to school, Pete can take Brianna and Jon Spencer to Tony's, why don't you and I go into the city and do something?"  Jon whispers to her, leaning over her at the kitchen table, kissing the top of her head "Maybe some shopping?"

Beth looks up just in time for their lips to meet.  After a loving kiss, she smiles, "Not today, babe.  I still have to unpack and all that crap."  Her attention turns to Brianna,as she hands her another piece of fruit, "Plus, this place needs a good once over."

"We have people on staff for that."  he laughs, dragging his hand over the top of her head, pulling her hair into hey eyes, "You don't house keep anymore.  Remember?"  He adds a little of sarcasm, thinking that's all that she would need, to be reminded of  a conversation that they had on vacation.  On the drive back to the hotel from their newly purchased Italian vineyard, Jon convinced her that she did too much, for any one person.  "Remember, we have the lifestyle that can afford us things and one of those things is not running a vacuum or washing windows"

"Jon."  Beth tries to shame him, but she knows it won't work.  "There are things that I want to do that the staff won't do."

"And  you want to do that today?"  he sits next to her at the table, setting his coffee back far enough  so Jon Spencer can't reach it.  He hands his baby son a piece of whole wheat toast.  "What do you want to do?"

"Swap out clothes in their closets and dressers."  Beth admits, "You are more than welcome to help me."

He chuckles from his belly, "Um, yeah NO!"  He sips his coffee, "Can't we hire someone to do that?"

"We could, but we're not going to.  I'm not going to be a hands off parent Jon."  Beth stands to get more coffee, "I think all we need is Pete and that should be limited now.  She's been with us for 100 years, she should be retired with all that she's been through with us."

Jon leans back, keeping an eye on and helping the little ones with breakfast, he looks over the three that are there in front of him and he knows that he is truly blessed.  From his happiness, without warning he shouts, "Jacob, Romeo!"  He startles Beth and the twins.

"Jesus, Jon!"  Beth teases, looking at the watch on her right wrist.  "A little warning would have been nice."  The coffee carafe is in her hand, dangling over Jon's cup, "Who's taking them?"

"I will.  I was thinking that since you wanted to play Holly Homemaker, I'll run to the city and get some things for the studio."

"What studio?"  Beth asks, not aware that anything was lacking from the Shoe Inn, but she'd never really know.  "What do you need?"

"I want to get some new reels and I was thinking of going to the guitar shop."

"Boring."  Beth mocks him.

Jon stands up to be at her level, quick peck on her nose and he says, "And going through toddler clothes is what, a party?"  Another kiss, this time on the lips and he's off, coffee in hand.  

In the distance, she can here Jon getting the boys round for school.  Romeo runs in to tell Beth goodbye and grab his school lunch, "Bye Beth."  He says out of breath.

"Bye Romy, have a good day kiddo!"  Beth says to him as he runs out.  She waves, even though he isn't looking at her.  

Beth sits back at the table with the twins and continues with their breakfast.  She has her iPhone, so she starts to scroll through emails as she hears a whistle and jingling car keys coming in her direction.  "I'm leaving."  her husband calls out to her.

"Do you want me to miss you?"  she flippantly asks him, a giggle follows.

He gets closer, "You know you will."

"MMMMMHHHHHH, I love you.  Be careful and enjoy yourself."  He kisses his wife goodbye, leaving her to do her things, while he does his.

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