Thursday, January 19, 2017

Chapter 7 - I Wanted More For You

"Can you sit down?" he clamly asks her, sliding a chair out with his foot, from under the table.

Beth takes a seat next to him, fuming mad that the nanny flew to Wichita to give her a hand with her own children.  "Why's Pete here?"

"I asked her to come." he states, catching her gaze. He can see by the shine in her eyes that she's upset.


Jon leans forward, resting his elbows on the table.  "I did it for you."

Beth stands, her knees push the chair back that she just sat in, "For me?  Why for me?"  She is quite upset.

"I don't think you should have to deal with all of this alone.  It's alot to do, babe."

She starts to walk away, hands in the air, "All of what?  They're our children, I am more than capable of handling them on my own."

"I know that." he chuckles.

"Then why is Pete here?" Beth stops and faces her husband, her hand on her hip and her blood boiling. "If you know that, than why did she have to fly all of the way here?"

"Beth, it's Wichita, it's not all that far."

His humor wasn't being felt by Beth, "Damn it Jon."

He stands and walks up to her.  He slides his hand around her neck and pulls her in close.  "Babe, she's here to give you a hand.  Your first trip out, unplanned, you're going to need help."

"I have you."  she looks up at him

"This is the first trip and if you remember what Dr. Fishman says, you need to accept help even if you don't ask for it.  I know you can do this alone, but you don't have to."

"These are my monkey's, this is my circus.  I wish you would have asked me before you called her."  she sighs a defeated sigh, seeing that he's only trying to be helpful.  He's only trying to make her life easier, which makes his life easier.  

Jon can't stop the words that fall out of his mouth next, "I wish you would have asked me before you came here."

Beth looks up at him and takes a step back, a little put off by his comment.  Never once did she think that surprising him was a bad idea.  "Are you not happy we're here?"

"I'm thrilled you're here, babe."  He reaches for her hand, she witholds it.  "And I'm also thrilled that we have Pete.  She's a godsend and you need to let her help you."

"I do, Jon."  Beth is miffed.  She's not sure why she feels like she feels, but she knows that she's feeling a little betrayed.  

"Then let her stay." he pleads.  "She can stay with the twins while you take the boys shopping."

"No." she turns to walk away.  After a long cleansing breath, she adds, "Dr Fishman says that I need to accept help, even without asking for it - but Dr Fishman also told you to quit bailing me out of things, let me fend for myself.  THIS is a bailaout Jon and I don't like it."  

Jon moves to get closer to her, taking stock in what's going on.  "Pete is going to stay.  This isn't a bailout for you, it's a bailout for the kids.  The twins do not need to got to the mall with you."

"Is this a matter of trust Jon?  Do you not trust me in public with the twins?" she snaps back at him, blindsided by what's going on.  

"I trust you."

"Really?" she asks him with a snarky tone, "If you trusted me, we wouldn't be having this conversation and Pete wouldn't be upstairs."

"Jesus Christ Beth, this has nothing to do with trust.  You show up here, in a strange city, with 5 kids.  You have no plan, all you know is that you want to go shopping with Jess and Jake.  You didn't bring or arrange security, you did all of this without consulting me or Denise.  No one knew you were coming out here, you just show up and expect things to be status quo?"  he can't hide his unhappiness any longer.  Jon kicks a chair and follows with, "So here I am, making arrangements to make sure that all of you are safe when you go do whatever the hell it is that you want to do, while I bust my ass and do my job.  You show up and act like it's no big deal."  He stops and looks out the window.  
He can see woman walking around in their Bon Jovi shirts, it's public knowledge that Bon Jovi is at that hotel.  It's the hotel that they always go to when in the Wichita area.  

After he takes a moment to calm down and think about what he's going to say, he adds, "You are here with just about all that I value in the world and give no regard to security and safety.  You are my wife and those are my children, your half assed plan to come to the middle of no where puts all of you in danger, giving me more gray hair that I need.  Did you even consider your safety?"

"Of course I did." she screams back at him, feeling like she's under attack.  

"Where is your security?" he questions her, knowing there was no additional staff added for her trip.  

"Why do we need extra?  What you have here is enough." she states, assuming that the staff that they had with them would be enough for all of them.  "I only plan on going shopping, watching your show and going home tomorrow.  Do I really need anyone other that what you have?"

"YES!" he barks back at her.  "Beth, there are 5 additional people here.  Don't you think that's too many bodies for 5 guys?  Taking into consideration that you want to leave the safety of the hotel?"


"Really?" he asks her with serious attitude.

"What's this really about Jon?" Beth asks, feeling that something isn't right.  He's never down tallked her and she's sensing that it has nothing to do with security.  "There is the same number of body guards that you've always had.  You've never added more when the kids and I were with you, why do we need more now?"  she makes her way to him, stopping in his personal space, she asks, "Does this have anything to do with that dream you had?"

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