Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Chapter 32 - Feels Something Like Healing Time

Beth rolls over and yawns, the sunshine  blinding her sleepy eyes.  Gently she reaches over and feels that her husband is not there.  She slowly sits herself up, eyes gazing the room, "Jon?" she mumbles with a yawn.  She can't hear him doing anything.  The villa is dead quiet.  When she hears nothing back, "Jon."  she tries again as she rises from the bed.  She rubs her eyes as she patters to the bathroom.  She glances around the room, but can't see a note. 

After using the bathroom and brushing her teeth, she makes her way to the kitchen area and pops in a coffee pod.  As her cup brews, she wanders back into the bedroom and finds her phone.  She only had 13 text messages and 4 missed calls.  She swipes up to see who she missed.  Several texts from the kids, just saying hi and asking when they woulld be home.  The missed phone calls were from numbers not stored in her phone. She writes them off as spam.  The most recent text that she received was from Jon.

I went for a run.  Let me know when you're up and we can head into town. Love you!

She drops her phone on the bed, off to get her coffee she thinks, 'Why is he running without me?"  Beth, unconsumed by her thoughts grabs the newpaper off the kitchen counter and takes it out on the lanai with her. There isn't any better way to start your day than with a newspaper, sunshine and fresh coffee. 

She's deep into the society pages of Honolulu when Jon appears, scaring the shit out of her.  When her brain registers who it is she smiles, "Hi gorgeous."  she says to him with a smile on her face.

Jon bends over and kisses her, "You're the gorgeous one.  How'd you sleep?  He asks, taking his running ball cap and tshirt off.  "When I left, you were sawing logs."

She continues to smile at him, "I slept better than the dead, I think.  How did you sleep?  Why are you up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep."  He says to her as he heads into the suite.  "I can only watch you sleep for so long."  He picks on her.  He heads inside and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge, "What do you want to do today?"

She takes a sip of her morning heaven, "I don't care.  When are we going home?" 

Jon takes a seat next to her on the lanai and chugs his  bottle of water.  Once he's done he exhales loudly, "I was thinking today,   What do you think about that?"  He shoots her a wink. 

At first Beth is a little stunned.  When she gives it a quick thought she decides that that might not be a bad idea.  "Are you serious?"  she questions with a smile.  "I think I like that idea.  I woke to several texts from the kids, I think they miss us."

"Then home we go.  I'll call and have the plane ready.  When do you want to leave?"

She leans over, wipes sweat beads from his furrowed brow and says, "You are the best husband."

They spent what was left of their last morning packing and saying goodbye to their newest slice of heaven.  They were prepared for the very long flight home.